If you are in the fortunate position of owning forested land, we can offer you assistance in managing this precious resource to keep it healthy and productive.
Our outreach forester is available to walk your woods with you and discuss the general health of the forest, listen to what your goals are with regard to the land, woods, and wildlife, and then provide you with both management strategies and connections to professionals that can assist you in making the dreams you have for your land a reality.
Larry enjoys assisting landowners with improving the health and quality of their forests and woodlots. He is available to work with landowners in Wexford, Kalkaska and Missaukee Counties to assist them in actively managing their woodlands.
He received the 2022 Society of American Foresters District 5 Presidential Field Forester Award. This award covers Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin and recognizes foresters that have dedicated their professional careers to the application of forestry on the ground using sound, scientific methods and adaptive management strategies. Click his name to see a brief YouTube video from Larry on this well deserved award. Watch Here.
Please contact Larry Czelusta, Outreach Forester for Missaukee, Wexford and Kalkaska Counties, at 231.775.7681 ext.3 or wexford.forester@macd.org to schedule a visit or ask questions.
Larry Czelusta (pronounced sa-less-ta) joined the Wexford Conservation District staff in June 2016. He earned a Bachelors of Science degree in forestry from Virginia Technological University and brings with him a variety of forestry experience in both the public and private sector.